A Day of Reflection
How did America get to this point? How do we move forward to a united country once again?
Today is a day of perspective. A time for somber reflection on where our nation has found itself.
We tout the United States as the greatest nation on Earth. Our freedom and our Democracy at the forefront of our boasting. America brought those systems to the modern world when our founders fought off the world’s most powerful military force to gain our independence. A new government was defined as one that would be by the people, for the people.
America has had leaders who inspired us to stand up and fight tyranny around the world. Inspired us to go to space and then the moon. Presidents who had railroads built from coast to coast, and highway systems stretching thousands of miles to connect all of our states together.
Presidents are meant to put the country first, to help all citizens, to make the world a better place. They aren’t without their flaws, but rarely are they criminals.
That is where America has found itself. Not only do we have a former President being indicted for the first time, we also had our first openly criminal President who even tried to steal his reelection.
America reached a level of corruption in our highest ranks of government that is typically seen in unstable regimes.
How did America let itself get to this place?
How did we let ourselves elect someone who was always known to be a conman and who was thoroughly unfit for office, to become the leader of our country?
If we don’t take the time to answer those questions, then it will simply happen again. Maybe it will be Trump, maybe it will be someone else. But eventually we will elect another criminal that cares only about him or her self rather than someone who puts the country first. A leader who seeks to remove the safeguards protecting our Democracy and to erode our rights until they alone hold all of the power.
Some Americans seem to be ok with that, but only because it is their side, their tribe, trying to take control. If the situation was reversed, they wouldn’t stand for it.
When did we hit a point where any of us are ok with accepting the notion of removing freedoms for any American?
There used to be a common sentiment about supporting each other's rights in order to support our own. People used to even say that while they didn’t like what someone had to say, they did respect their right to say it.
But now? A party has worked to remove people’s rights to vote in order to keep them out of the process. It has become acceptable for our leaders to spread lies to try and discredit an election for their own power. We’ve now had a leader who wouldn’t commit to a peaceful transfers of power.
These are more than traditions, they are important aspects of our country. Making sure all can vote and committing to peaceful transfers of power show that no one person is above our rules and laws. No one person holds control over our nation. We are, in fact, a nation of our citizens above all else.
How did America become not only so divided, but violently so?
How is bigotry and hatred towards different groups back on the rise instead of on the verge of being snuffed out forever?
Why are we so willing to threaten each other online for having differing views?
We need leaders who are going to work on healing this rift. It won’t be easy, not with so much hate, but it is possible with time. Leaders need to stand up to violence and bigotry, not just from their opponents, but from their own party. Especially from their own party.
Standing up for what is right always means more when it comes from within.
The citizens of this nation need to do our part too. We need to start seeing every one of us as an American, as a human, and as a neighbor. We must foster an atmosphere of empathy and care.
It is time to end poverty, suffering, and needless levels of struggle.
It is time to change hatred and violence to acceptance and compassion.
It is time to unlock the amazing potential this nation holds.
A nation of these United States, working together for all of us, working toward a more prosperous union.