Freedom is America’s most cherished ideal. The freedom of speech, religion, press, and assembly, alongside the natural rights of humanity.
With that freedom comes the ability to be yourself and to speak your mind. Whether you look forward to Sunday kickoff, the roar of NASCAR engines, or the perfect swing of a golf club.
American individuality is one of pride.
That sense of identity. That appreciation of what makes us different from one another while still all being Americans.
That used to bond us together. Like friends bantering about which athlete is the greatest of all time or whose alma mater reigns supreme.
Our desire for self expression means we should protect that freedom for everyone. To defend someone else's rights is to defend your own.
You should protect their right to say something that you don’t want to hear.
Protect their right to worship a religion whose beliefs differ from your own.
Protect their right to be the person they were born and the person they are meant to be.
Tragically there has always been a dark side to American life. People that were pushed aside. All because of meaningless differences such as race, sex, religion, sexuality, gender identity. And who knows what will come tomorrow.
Because unless we change our way of thinking there will always be another group that is cast out from the herd.
Shouldn’t we be better than this.
Shouldn’t we understand that we are all one group. We are all Americans.
When we work together we can shoot to the moon, defeat tyranny around the world, liberate the oppressed, invent the automobile and the internet.
America is losing its edge.
Instead of leading the world in how to solve issues such as human rights, climate change, and poverty. We’re sitting here tilting at windmills. Screaming at each other for anything we can find or invent to be angry about.
It is time to stop fighting over our differences and time to start working together.
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